Thursday, September 22, 2011

Seinfeld will have no problem having weird kids

Lead paragraph, Yahoo!:

Jessica and Jerry Seinfeld say they don't want their three kids to be too straight-laced. Being weird is not bad.

Do I get in trouble here by saying what we all know to be true, that Jews control the TV and film industry? I guess the PC crowd would say I should not say such a thing because it might foment anger and bad feelings, true or not.

Well, I'm saying it. They do. Look at TV commercials. Look at TV shows, films. Okay, I said that all ready.

So, who cares what Jerry Seinfeld has to say about his kids? His wife even less.

Jerry Seinfeld is a Jew and his kids are Jews and they can be weird or straight and the other Jews running things will open what doors are necessary to set them up however they like.

The kids will have no problem being like how Jerry Seinfeld wants them. In becoming weird, they have the perfect template to follow: a flaming liberal.
