Saturday, September 03, 2011

Forget Jerry Lewis, Awready
By Bryce Martin

Jerry Lewis was, and is, an ass, and I imagine at this stage late in his life will remain thus.

The namby-pambies in Hollywood -- those crying over his being dumped as the longtime charity telethon host -- want us to overlook that and have us believe that all his good charity work trumps his nasty behavior over the years to those who have had to work with him.

The fact is, if he had anything going for him resembling a career after the 1960s, he would not have been doing the "charity" work, for which he was paid handsomely.

I'll never forget this from a Los Angeles radio man back in the 60s commenting after reading the news about how much money that very first telethon brought in: "If everyone who doesn't like Jerry Lewis would have sent in a quarter, they would have raised twice as much money."

France hasn't even came to his rescue (Drum roll, please).
