Wednesday, July 20, 2022



Galena Junior League Practices to Start 

Four teams have been organized in the Galena Junior league and practice sessions will begin at 5:30 Tuesday afternoon when the boys assemble at the old rodeo grounds near eighth and Mineral streets for team assignments. The teams were organized at a meeting of managers and parents Saturday night. The teams and their managers have been announced by Harry Reeves, general chairman of the Galena Junior league group.  

Teams, as follows: Galena Tigers, wearing Royal Blue caps, David Davis and Neal Wade managers, Keith Sturgis, John Tipton, Bill Price, Gale Davis, Mike Swain, David Qualls, Bill Stansberry, Norman Cure, Dennis Wade, Jerry Walton, Kenny Shaw, Leon Messer, and Ted Dorman.

Galena Yankees, wearing red caps, Ernest Watson and Jerry Martin managers, Gary Hall, Larry Murray, Larry Martin, Billy Earl Neeley, Renny Reeves, Stanley Luton, Philip Robinson, Lewis Hamilton, David Moody, Jerry Click, David Sanders, Billy Frazier and Larry Sanborn.

Galena While Sox, wearing Navy Blue caps, Earnie McCorkle and Walter Brown managers, Jimmy Brown, Johnny Davis, Douglas Abram, Gary McCorkle, Gary Gilstrap, Bob Carr, Gary Dunn, Mickie Cutbirth, Paul Mooney, Larry Grufford, Floyd Wilson and John Ford.

Galena Indians, wearing black caps, Earl Carriger and Leonard Morris, managers, David Edwards, Harold Washom, Freddy Stewart, Jeffrey Morris, Lyman Hayes, Blante Evans, Johnny Hutto, Danny Shears, David Bullard, Roy Hopkins, Everett Labor, Gary Wade and Neal Little.

Joplin Globe, June 14, 1955, Pg. 6

NOTE: Players did not have uniforms that first year in '55. Each player wore a cap color chosen by team and a matching T-shirt.