Saturday, July 23, 2022

 Electric Railway Proposed For Galena

F. N. Moore, of Joplin, to whom was granted by the city of Joplin a few evenings ago, a franchise to construct and operate an electric railway in that city, was before the council of this city last evening and asked for a similar franchise. He wants his line to come from Joplin via Chitwood Hollow and Cave Springs and enter the city of Galena at Cooper Hollow crossing the Frisco railroad, run south to Fifth street, on west to Short street and make a turn in the direction of Columbus. He offers to the city as remuneration for the franchise one per cent of the gross earnings of his proposed road. Owing to the fact that there was not a quorum present no action was taken by the council on the matter, but Mr. Moore was given to understand that at the adjourned meeting of the council to be held Friday evening some disposition would be made of the proposed franchise.

Galena Evening Times, Dec 19, 1900, Pg. 2