Thursday, September 03, 2009

Yahoo headline:

Kennedy memoir calls Chappaquiddick 'inexcusable'

Since Ted Kennedy's death, I have read such things as "we shouldn't focus on one bad thing in a person's life but their sum total." Or, some gibberish along those lines. One thing is all it takes. Ask most of the people serving time in prison for murder. Prison, by the way, is where Kennedy should have been when he died going back to when he let his "date" drown.

Are we supposed to be impressed that Kennedy would view his murder of a young girl as "inexcusable" years after while he was swilling his liquor and enjoying the fat of a family larder? Some people even like to point out how many years he "served" in office, overlooking the fact that Kennedy was a democrat living in a heavy democrat region -- meaning it was never likely he would ever have any competition.

But, I digress. The fact that Kennedy obviously didn't find his cowardly acts to save his own despicable ass "inexcusable" back then -- that's his real legacy.
