Gaylord has worn out its welcome
People still arrive in Nashville only to soon be disappointed in finding that the theme park is closed. Not just closed but bulldozed and replaced with a shopping mall. Replaced not just recently but more than a decade ago.
It's a shock to those small but dedicated numbers who came back to relive some sunny summer days in more youthful times.
Many locals are not fond of Gaylord's theme park pullout, either. After all, Gaylord admitted the place was turning a profit when they canned the concept, just not the kind of profit they wanted. That washed out as one word: greed.
Gaylord was not done riling up the populace. When they nearly made the move to change the format of the legendary WSM-AM radio station, they were met with public outrage so deep it had a threatening undertone. They nixed that idea.
Folks started wondering if any institution was safe. What would get the ax next, The Grand Ole Opry? Well, some problems came about there, too. Some old timers on the Opry found their spots reduced considerably by the fresh-faced male hat acts who all sound like Pro Tools versions of Merle Haggard and the new wave of blonde girl singers who are, well, blonde.
Gaylord may be churning out the profits it likes but its image is kaput.