Camp Lejeune 1966
A real novelty I discovered in the servicemen's club was a jukebox that displayed the singer singing the song on what could pass as a TV screen. Plus, it was in color. The machine was called a Scopitone, not a familiar jukebox name such as Seeburg. Oddly, it seemed to have drawn only my attention. I asked around and the dope on it was that it had a limited number of selections and those choices had not changed since it was plugged in. I quickly noticed an even bigger problem. Young servicemen, any young men for that matter, did not want to listen to nor watch Vic Damone and Jerry Vale. Especially at a quarter a pop. I gave it a go, finally taking Vale. Nice color. Vale waded around in bright green grass and colorful flowers were in bloom. A great idea, one you would think would be a big attraction, and the machine and the area it resided was deserted except for me and I was on my way.