Monday, May 25, 2009

Murder With Vengence

EMPIRE CITY. Kans., July 6 — Sam
Mitchell, husband of the Postmistress of
this city, wiped out an old feud here by
shooting and killing Link Cole, ex-City
Marshal. The men met on the street,
and Mitchell shot without warning. Cole
killed Mitchell's brother a year ago.
July 07, 1897, Page 5
Kansans Fight a Fatal Duel

GALENA. Kans., Feb. 13 — In a duel at
a resort here today, Charles Trotter and
Earl Gent emptied their revolvers at each
other. Trotter was hit in the neck and
shoulder and fatally wounded, and Gent
was shot in tbe leg. Five years ago Gent
was implicated in the killing of a young
man at Empire City, Kans.
February 14, 1903, Page 4

San Francisco Call