Thursday, November 06, 2008

Jesse Jackson: I Cry a little When I See You Near
by Bryce Martin

Jesse Jackson knew even before Barack Obama put his hand on the Bible for swearing-in ceremonies as our nation's 44th president that the jig was up. He had to do something big to, if not be the No. 1 black again, maintain any celebrity status at all.

Clearly, he was about to be forgotten now that Obama had rendered him obsolete.

Think. Think. Think, he thought to himself. Oprah will be there. I'll be there. The cameras will get shots of us from the crowd. What's that stuff called? Makes you cry? Not onions. It makes it look like tears are rollin' down. Glycerin. That's it. I read once they use it in the movies to fake crying scenes. Perfect. It'll be as famous as Iron Eyes Cody. Civil Rights leader Jesse Jackson is back.
