Saturday, July 19, 2008

Men with bangs: A nation of sissy-men
by Bryce Martin

When mayor-elect Karl Dean was running for mayor of Nashville, he started off looking like your regular man man. That was until one day near the last few weeks of the election, he was pictured wearing bangs. I don't recall when it started, but I also remember about that time it was reported that women in general seemed to enjoy his candidacy.

Will someone please inform the mayor it's over, he won. He can shed the bangs. I remember when a man or boy would be ridiculed beyond mercy for wearing bangs. Bangs were for girls. Girls prettied themselves up with bangs.

Are there no men left who understand the concept? I can understand young men not knowing any better, and it appears their fathers are just as lame. We are raising a nation of sissy-men. Worse, they don't even suspect.
