Sunday, August 05, 2007

When a car crash is a real crackup
by Bryce Martin

Does anyone out there remember Nervous Norvus and his song "Transfusion" from the year 1956? It's spoken, not sung. He does dumb things while driving and then you hear the sound effects of a car crash with a loose hubcap spinning to a clattering stop.

Right before the end of each verse he says "I'm never never never gonna speed again" and then he comfortably settles in for the hookup:

Pour the crimson to me, Jimson
Transfusion, transfusion...

Another verse and --

Pass the claret to me, Barrett

Transfusion, transfusion...

Another verse --

Put a gallon in me, Alan
Transfusion, transfusion...

I'll never forget the sound of the hubcab, sort of like a silver dollar spinning to a halt on a hollow-top table, and the flippant manner and lyrics of Nervous Norvus, who wasn't nervous at all.


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