Cherokee County Sections
Volume XII, 1912 (Chicago, Ill. : R.L. Polk & Co., 1911) GALENA
-- Aach Wm, general store.
-- Ahl Alfred, chile parlor.
-- Albin Isaac N, real estate and notary.
-- Alexander & Co (M. N. Alexander), clothing.
-- American Gas Co, P. V. Byrnes pres and treas, Frank A. Brevillier sec.
-- Ames Myrtle P. Mrs, milliner.
-- Anderson John L, grocer.
-- Archer W. H. & Son (Wm H. and Fred), meats.
-- Barnes James S, dry goods.
-- Baum Ludwig, dry goods.
-- Baum M. & Son (Moses and David), hardware.
-- Beers George E, livery and grocer.
-- Bender Henry A, dentist.
-- Bennett James H, baker.
-- Boden Joseph C, real estate.
-- Boice James H, furn and undertaker.
-- Braun George F, ore buyer.
-- Broadway Frank E, cigars.
-- Browne Herbert A, physician.
-- Brumfield John P, drugs.
-- Bruner Daisy Mrs, restaurant.
-- Burke M. E, grocer.
-- Campbell Solomon W, drugs.
-- Carpenter Thomas B, cigars.
-- Cherokee County Supply Co, Edward B. Archer pres, Joseph C. Price sec and treas, hardware.
-- Citizens Bank (Capital $25,000), Edward B. Schermerhorn pres, John McCullough cashier.
-- Clark Porter M, furn and undertaker.
-- Coles Robert A, cashr Galena National Bank.
-- Colvin Wm A, photographer.
-- Davis Hiram S, grocer.
-- Day Charles O, plumber.
-- Dunham Thurston, restaurant.
-- Dupont E. I. de Nemours Powder Co, George R. Sutherland mngr.
-- Dusto Wm H, restaurant.
-- Eddy R. B, insurance.
-- Elerick & Dixon (Frank W. Elerick, Wade Dixon), tailors.
-- Elleman Don H, lawyer.
-- Empire District Electric Co, Henry L. Doherty pres, David D. Hoag sec, Milan R. Bump, treas.
-- Etheridge Walter B, grocer.
-- Evans & Crowell (Samuel T. Evans, Daniel B. Crowell), meats.
-- Faulkner D. C, grocer.
-- Finch Henry C, lawyer.
-- Galena Automobile Co The, B. Cooley Pres and Treas, S. J. Stallsmith Vice Pres, G. W. Cooley Sec, Automobiles, Supplies, Repairs and Garage, Main cor Ninth.
-- Galena Bottling Works, Michael Owens propr.
-- Galena Evening Times, Berzelius L. Strother, publr.
-- Galena Foundry and Machine Co, (Cap $10,000), W. A. Stone Pres and Mngr, W. B. Stone Vice Pres and Treas, Ira C. Perkins Sec, Engineers, Founders and Machinists.
-- Galena Green House.
-- Galena Harrow Co, Wm Schmidt pres, Ira C. Perkins sec, J. F. Lanier treas.
-- Galena Lead & Zinc Co, E. W. Forney, supt.
-- Galena Mill & Elevator Co (Solomon Ryan).
-- Galena Mill Supply Co, J. B. Rauch propr.
-- Galena National Bank (cap $50,000), Joseph Shomon pres, Robert A. Coles cashier.
-- Galena Public Library, Lura Ames librarian.
-- Galena Republican, Arthur McNay propr.
-- Galena Smelting and Mfg Co, C. V. Petrareus propr.
-- Galena Telephone Co, Williams & Robeson proprs.
-- Galena Water Works, Walter J. Land supt.
-- Galena Wholesale Grocer Co (John W. Tate, Dow Moore), whol grocers.
-- Ganshird Albert, restaurant.
-- Gaylor Nathan, shoes.
-- Gerster & Co, W. B. Stone pres, Fred Gerster mgr, lead and zinc miners.
-- Gillespie Lolo D, dentist.
-- Gosh Lloyd D, news dealer.
-- Grant George W, grocer.
-- Green John H, physician.
-- Haines Lafayette J, drugs.
-- Hallam Marion M, livery.
-- Hardwick Robert, grocer.
-- Harold Lottie Mrs, restaurant.
-- Hart Willard, physician.
-- Hickman C. F, vet surgeon.
-- Horn John L, furn and undertaker.
-- Hotel Oxford, Aaron Long propr.
-- Independent Powder Co, P. J. Quick agt.
-- Inman Wm T, plumber.
-- Jaqueth Hugh L, flour and feed.
-- Jarrett John S, grocer.
-- Jones Clem H, physician and mayor.
-- Kennedy Thomas, mining machinery.
-- Keys Albert C, restaurant.
-- Kinsley Wm, shoes.
-- Lanier James F, cashier Miners State Bank and notary.
-- Lanyon Zinc Co.
-- Lee Benjamin, restaurant.
-- Lockport Mfg Co, James Murphy mgr, mine operators.
-- Long George, grocer.
-- Lowdermilk R. Claude, physician.
-- Lowe John S, grocer.
-- Lusk Arthur J, chemist.
-- Lyon Samuel A, dentist.
-- McCullagh John, cashr Citizens Bank and notary.
-- McElwain Bruce, general store.
-- McGinnis R. R, physician.
-- McKinney Frank L, physician.
-- McNay Arthur, propr Galena Republican.
-- Majors A. L, lawyer.
-- Malone Nathan C, 2d hd goods.
-- March Bros (Harry B. and Wm C.), real estate.
-- Martin Forrest, cleaner.
-- Martin Frank, 2d hd goods.
-- Martin Joseph, physician.
-- Martin Louis E, sewing machines.
-- Middleton Wm T, harness.
-- Midway Theatre, Wm B. Moore mgr.
-- Miners State Bank (cap $30,000), Albert Schmidt pres, James F. Lanier, cashier.
-- Moeller Louis K, lumber.
-- Monlux George C, ore crusher.
-- Moore Bithel S. (estate), Raymond Moore mgr, hardware.
-- Moore Charles C, drugs.
-- Moore Dow, grocer.
-- Moore Joseph S, real estate.
-- Moore Wm S, marble works.
-- Mooreman Drug Co, C. P. Mooreman propr.
-- Morgan & Burr (Edwin B. Morgan, Truman T. Burr), lawyers.
-- Morris Wm S, restaurant.
-- Murdock Elizabeth, hardware.
-- Murphy James, ore crusher.
-- Neal R. S, mining machinery.
-- New Century Lead & Zinc Co.
-- Noble E. St. George, consulting engr.
-- Ober Mary E. Mrs, stationer.
-- Outt James A, grocer.
-- Palmasena Leo, fruits.
-- Patterson Alexander C, lumber.
-- Pence Charles, physician.
-- Phillips James L, grocer.
-- Raible Harry H, confectioner.
-- Rains Charles L, postmaster
-- Ransdell & Son (James W. and Oscar O), notions.
-- Ricksecker Bros (Wm and George), shoes.
-- Rohrbaugh Bros (Frank H, Shelton H. and Cassius L.), oil and coal dealers.
-- Rothschild B. & Co, (Benjamin Rothschild), Coal, Scrap Iron and Metals, W 7th near Main.
-- Rough Rider Mining Co, lead and zinc miners.
-- Russell Bert F, jeweler.
-- Ryan Noah J, grocer.
-- Sapp Noah J, grocer.
-- Sapp & Wilson (Wm F. Sapp, A. S. Wilson), lawyers.
-- Savage Charles S, physician.
-- Savage Harrison B, physician.
-- Sawyer Charles L, insurance.
-- Schellack Emil H, drugs.
-- Schellack Richard C, drugs.
-- Schmidt Bros (Albert and Wm), hdw.
-- Schmuck Gabriel, mining.
-- Schreiner Albert R, lawyer.
-- Scovell Harley B, confr.
-- Seller Charles H, jeweler.
-- Shackelton Bros (Wm and Fred), grocers.
-- Shafer Ira E, grocer.
-- Sharp Bros (Leonard and Frank), well drillers.
-- Shelley Albert A, physician.
-- Silman & Jaqueth (Norval M. Silman, Hugh Jaqueth), bakers.
-- Smiley Robert M, dentist.
-- Smith Marcus L, 2d hd goods.
-- South Side Mining Co, B. Cooley pres, J. L. Whitrom sec, lead and zinc mines.
-- South Wm H, jeweler.
-- Stafford Charles N, tailor.
-- Standard Oil Co, C. M. Duncan agt.
-- Stone W. B. Mercantile Mfg & Mining Co. (Cap $100,000), W. B. Stone pres, W. A. Stone Vice Pres, Ira C. Perkins Sec and Gen'l Mgr, O. T. White Treas.
-- Stone & Pinson (F. L. Stone, John Pinson), machinists.
-- Strother Berzelius L, pubr Galena Evening Times.
-- Strother John R, lawyer.
-- Sumner C. M, horse breeder.
-- Terry Josiah K, grocer.
-- Tillman Charles, restaurant.
-- Todd Arthur H, grocer.
-- Troy Steam Laundry, Jerome McCarthy propr.
-- Tryon & Sons, grocers.
-- Ulrich Ferdinand, Merchant Tailor, a Complete Line of Imported and Domestic Woolens, 309 Main.
-- Union Ice & Fuel Co, Barton Cooley pres and treas, George W Cooley sec.
-- Vest Thomas O, ore buyer.
-- Volz Fred, meat market.
-- Volz John, meat market.
-- Wallace Elmer F, restaurant.
-- Walters John, grocer.
-- Weiller Bros & Co (Isadore, Herman and Moses Weiller), clothing.
-- Westcott Seba C, lawyer.
-- Wheeler Earl R, drugs.
-- White & Allen (Otto T. White, John M. Allen), whol produce.
-- Wilber & Foster (Eural G. Wilber, Russell R. Foster), cleaners.
-- Williams & Robeson (John K. Williams, Moses Robeson), lumber and proprs Galena Telephone Co.
-- Windle Bros (Tom and Tib), livery.
-- Windsor Lead & Zinc Co, J. K. Williams pres, E. St. George Noble sec and treas.
-- Wolfe Jacob C, grocer.
-- Wollgast Charles, jeweler.
-- Worthington Clarence G, insurance.
-- Yount Oscar M, lawyer.
Transcribed by Bill Sowers
Contributed by Bill and Diana Sowers, August, 1999
The KSGenWeb Project
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