Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Monday, September 30, 2024

 People's World

26 July 1937

People's World, Volume 6, Number 59, 26 July 1937



Murder Indictments Framed Against 10 Kansas Miners

The Western Worker has received a copy of a letter appeal for funds to defend the 10 union brothers of Galena, Kansas, who are indicted on charges of first-degree murder, from the Galena Defense Committee, Tony Me Teer, chairman. Richard Murray, secretary. The letter follows: To All Organized Labor: Fraternal Greetings: This letter is an appeal to all union men anti women, to see that the ten union brothers of Galena. Kansas, who are under indictment for first degree murder. are not crucified and sent to the gallows or given life sentence in the state prison. The notorious Blue Card Company Union, headed by ex-convicts and formed to break the strike of the Tri-State Miners, raided and wrecked the union halls in Picher, Oklahoma and Treece, Kansas, beating union men unconscious with pickhandles, before proceeding to Galena and marching on the union hall in that city. They broke out the window glass with pickhandles, fired a shotgun charge into the hall and hurled smoke bombs, before any retaliation was made on the part of the union. After all of this had occurred, the union men thought it was time to exercise the rights of free American Citizens and defend their lives and property. Shots were fired from within the union hall, and nine members of the attacking mob were wounded. One of these, who had only been in the district for five weeks, coming here to work under striking conditions, later contracted pneumonia and died. Then, these union brothers were indicted for first degree murder. / The organization to which these men belong has been on strike for more than two years, despite great suffering, to establish true American working conditions, and to win collective bargaining rights, against companies which organized company unions in violation of the law. We are financially unable to take care of the expense of the trials, and we are forced to appeal to you for funds. We ask that you exercise the true spirit of unionism in your hearts and donate to this fund. All checks should be made out to John M. Sherwood, Secretary - Treasurer. International Union of Mine. Mill and Smelter Workers. 720 Colorado Building. Denver, Colorado, and marked “for Galena Defense Fund.’’ An audit will be made at regular intervals of all receipts and disbursements for the benefit of the organizations making donations. Thanking you for your kind consideration, we are with best wishes.


Friday, September 27, 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024


 RW 10-21-1972 Page 26

 Record World 10-21-1972 Pg. 25