Thursday, July 03, 2008

Undecided Voters Are Life's Clueless
by Bryce Martin

In November a new president will be elected in the United States. According to a majority of political pundits, those potential voters classified right now as undecided will likely tip the election to either the democrat or republican candidate.

That is sadly pathetic. Anyone of voting age who is undecided at this point is one of life's clueless. It is not that difficult. Everyone should be pre-screened and anyone who is undecided by, say, July 4, in a presidential election year should automatically be declared incompetent and disqualified. These people are the equivalent to the sad mess of jurors who made up the O.J. Simpson double-murder trial. As long as democrat and republican parties exist, the choice should always be simple enough to make. Toss in not voting as an option and the choice should be clear, not necessarily what one wants, but clear.

Granted, John McCain apparently thinks the Republican base is moving to the left and he is more a democrat than a republican because of it, which is why the base will not vote in large numbers and he will lose, but the decision is always between night and day.

An undecided voter should carry no weight when the choice is so simple.