Mama Flossie, Merle, Bonnie
Tell them how the weather was... -- Ernest Hemingway
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
I'll caption this "Buck Owens, in a pensive mood." You saw that a lot back in the day, the word "pensive" to describe a certain pose or look that a person typified in a photograph. Since most of us have no idea what that word means, it seemed to be a really bad word choice -- and it still is.
Lonely Land
Can you believe this was a shoe repair shop on No. Chester?
Leg it on down to the Green Frog
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
I loved the original back when the location was known as Pierce Road. I never went into the bar, but my pal Duffy from the Golden Lion sometimes bartended there. I loved the beef stew. I also knew how to order off the menu. You had to be in the know for that. The "Duffy Special" I would order. It was a French dip sandwich and on the plate with it pinto beans and a lettuce salad with oil and vinegar dressing. And a cup of coffee. I always felt very comfortable eating there.
Monday, June 10, 2024
Saturday, June 01, 2024
Amazed I was to find these photos and others on the 'net. In bygone days I was the turntable operator for Santa Fe Railroad in Bakersfield and these roundhouse photos are from that 1970s era. Fred Wells was the head honcho in the main office down the tracks. Many great memories from those overall-wearing days.