Saturday, June 10, 2017

An uncle recited to me an unsavory incident occurring in the 1950s when he and his family got the hungries around noonish while traveling Route 66 back to California after a Midwest vacation. He pulled off the two-lane and into the parking lot of a small Mexican cafĂ© in New Mexico. Looking at the menu, and especially liking his wife’s home style chili,  he ordered a bowl for himself to see if it matched the glory his taste buds received from his wife’s enticing blend of meat and spices. It was delicious he marveled as he kiddingly scolded the rest of his family for ordering something different. The meat was the real winner. Its texture was just right. When the Mexican lady waitress with the flowery apron reappeared to check on their progress he couldn’t help but praise the cook in glowing words to the hostess but also ask how the meat was prepared. “Chawed,” she said. “Chawed,” my uncle replied back in astonishment. He said he quickly and immediately rounded up the bunch, hastily paid the tab and hustled out the door and back on the road. “Did she mean charred?” I asked.  With mean, squinting eyes now my uncle replied, “Chawed,” as if there was no mistake “…Chawed.

 Galena, Kan., July 12. Mabel Dowell, a 15-year old girl of this city, was taken into custody yesterday by Constable Joe Powell, by an order from the juvenile court of Cherokee County. Yesterday afternoon she was taken to Columbus and given hearing before James H. Ellis, probate judge, who also presides over the juvenile court, and after sufficient evidence in the case was heard, was ordered removed to the state industrial school for girls at Beloit, where she will be kept until she reaches a responsible age. It is said she was brought back to  Galena last night and will be taken to Beloit today. The girl has been employed as waitress in a hotel for some time and as her mother is dead it is claimed she has no place which she might call her home. It is also said that it was at the request of an older sister that she be sent to the industrial school. She is an exceptionally pretty girl.
Thursday, July 18, 1907, Page 3, Columbus Weekly Advocate

Mabel Dowell, born 1894