Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jillette, a razor-sharp liberal

Who cares what Penn Jillette has to say, other than other liberals? He didn't like Miss Tennessee's answer about burning qurans in a recent beauty contest segment. Worse, he said he was glad she did not win because of her answer. That would be an expected response from someone such as Jillette, a pony-tailed, foul-mouthed, obscene, vulgar, godless individual, a typical Hollywood lefty.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Even More Gall, This Gal

Hanoi Jane Fonda and Oliver Stone have a lot in common, when it comes to revisionist history. Understandably, they're both liberals, which gives them a natural bent for such things.

Fonda, speaking recently about her sordid and sorry-ass past regarding our fighting men in uniform, said a myth about her has been created, "I love my country," she said.

I see no need to dispute her claim. I am just wondering which country she had in mind.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Some Gall, This Gal

gall definiton: Casey Anthony.

From the News of the Day corner. Casey Anthony is appealing her lying convictions.

Here's a mom whom any reasonably perceptive person knows killed her infant daughter, and who now wants to go through the rest of her pitiful life not being tagged as a liar.

In deference to your deceased daughter, accept some blame -- as little as it is. Being tagged a liar from here on out is the least of your worries. It is way past any attempt at image repairing.
