Sunday, March 12, 2023

 Museum-Quality Odors To Match Blackboard Club Patrons

Some museums around the country have large size paintings and photographs on walls, and to create a realistic atmosphere for these images, smell is being introduced. Imagine that large portrait of General Custer and his soldiers being massacred by a bunch of highly addled Indians. Black powder, blood, horse smells, and whatever else can be drawn from the scene to fill the olfactory bowl. It is suggested that results are best if done with quick, short sniffs from both nostrils. I was thinking about that recently when I was looking at photos showing Bill Woods’ band and the dancing couples at the Blackboard Club (you say Cafe, I say Club) during the 50s and 60s and beyond with other bands. In which case the nose would be treated to a nice dose of oil, soil, hay, beer, sweat, leather, finger nail polish, lighter fluid, piss, tobacco (pouchfuls for roll-your-owns), cigarette smoke, fresh hung clothes (from clotheslines), perfumes for women (perhaps Hypnotique in the 50s, Rive Gauche in the 60s, and Diorilla in the 70s), cologne for guys (are you kidding? Maybe a last minute dousing of Old Spice or Aqua Velva). Why piss? Booze intake can create unsteady hands. -- Bryce