Tuesday, April 10, 2007

You Won't Be Getting My Call
by Bryce Martin

At work and more so at leisure, a person can mostly pick and choose who they care to listen to. Talk radio gives you no such choice. The hosts you get accustomed to, their likes and dislikes, quirks and attitudes. It's the callers who are irksome.

"Thanks for taking my call." Can we just line them up and put on the blindfolds. Jeez. Unless you are severely marble-mouthed or obviously drunk, they take anyone's call. A-n-y-o-n-e-'-s. If you've listened to any of these shows that is something you would be painfully aware of. The consciousness level for anyone who would say "Thanks for taking my call" is near zero, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest.

Then you have the ones who make a statement and then say, "My next question is...," as if their statement was their first question.

Then you have the ones totally out of sync with the host, literally, because they have their radio on nearby and are listening to the audio delay, which confuses them and has them stuttering around until the host says, "Can you turn your radio down, please? You're getting the delay."

Oh, sure, and they do.

In the year 2007, there are adults who aren't familiar with the "turn your radio down" problem associated with call-in radio?

Amazing stuff.


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