Monday, April 30, 2007

Are You Sure Reese Has Left the Building?
by Bryce Martin

The waiting, the mystery is over. Two mysteries, actually. The first was who were the Titans going to pick in the NFL college draft. The second question had a direct bearing on the first. What kind of a stamp was former defensive back and now Titans general manager Mike Reinfeldt going to put on his first draft class?

I'm sorry I asked.

Oh, sure, I was bound to find out. Draft day becomes a bigger TV and Internet event each year.

The dart board is down now and ready for next year. You would have thought former GM Floyd Reese would have taken it with him. Floyd Reese? Can we be sure he has really left. This draft has his stamp all over it.

Forget about seeing how these guys do. The Titans get two maybe three linemen who stick along with DB Michael Griffin and that's it. Of course, the Titans brass will secretly vote to keep a couple of the offensive picks around come roster time to justify their selections. Then, they fade into obscurity. Nice work, fellas. I don't know how you do it.

I really don't.

Corkboard or fiberboard? I'm stumped.


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