Thursday, March 29, 2007

Catching Some Zs at the Jens-Marie
by Bryce Martin

The bus radiator is spewing
hot steam in the air
Life in minor league baseball
doesn't seem fair
The dog days of August
The heat most robust
Conditions are spare
No air conditioning anywhere

Yea, we'll soon be in Ponca City
inside of Oklahoma
And home away from home-a
Gonna catch some Zs
And rest a spell
At the fabby Jens-Marie Hotel

I'll have a photo taken of me
Standing in front of the Jens-Marie
It's where the oil deals are made
And it's where the ballplayers stay

Under a revved-up ceiling fan
Resting up for that game at hand
The curtains drawn in real tight
To cover up all that hot daylight

When the game is played and done
And time to move on to another one
I know I will have slept well
Catching some Zs at the Jens-Marie Hotel

Catchin' some Z's at the Jens-Marie


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